Online Retreat with Pat Farrell, OP
In 2015 Pope Francis published the encyclical Laudato Si, issuing a call to Catholics to reflect on how consumerism and irresponsible development impacts environmental degradation and climate change. It is also a call, not only to Catholics, but to all people of Earth to take “swift and unified global action.” The release of the encyclical purposely coincided with the gathering of the nations for the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015.
Six years later, how are we doing? In California we have been increasingly distressed during our “fire seasons,” as are our neighbors in Colorado, Oregon, and as far as Australia. Given our prayer with Pope Francis during this retreat day, we will be each have the opportunity to reflect on our own responsibility and response to this ecological crisis.
This morning of presentation, reflection, and dialogue is co-sponsored by Santa Sabina Center and the Friends of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael.
Sr. Pat, a Dominican Sister of San Rafael, is the hosting manager here at Santa Sabina Center. Sr. Pat, a trained meditation teacher and retreat leader, has served in congregational leadership, and most recently was executive director of the Dominican Sisters Conference. She is a member of the Sophia Zen Sangha and enjoys sharing how Zen and Christianity complement each other.