
Online Retreat with Pat Farrell, OP

Pat Farrell, OP
Event Subtitle
Laudato Sí and Beyond

In 2015 Pope Francis published the encyclical Laudato Si, issuing a call to Catholics to reflect on how consumerism and irresponsible development impacts environmental degradation and climate change. It is also a call, not only to Catholics, but to all people of Earth to take “swift and unified global action.” The release of the encyclical purposely coincided with the gathering of the nations for the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015.

Six years later, how are we doing? In California we have been increasingly distressed during our “fire seasons,” as are our neighbors in Colorado, Oregon, and as far as Australia. Given our prayer with Pope Francis during this retreat day, we will be each have the opportunity to reflect on our own responsibility and response to this ecological crisis.

This morning of presentation, reflection, and dialogue is co-sponsored by Santa Sabina Center and the Friends of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael. 

Sr. Pat, a Dominican Sister of San Rafael, is the hosting manager here at Santa Sabina Center. Sr. Pat, a trained meditation teacher and retreat leader, has served in congregational leadership, and most recently was executive director of the Dominican Sisters Conference. She is a member of the Sophia Zen Sangha and enjoys sharing how Zen and Christianity complement each other.

Fee: $16

Online Contemplative Retreat with Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Kayleen Asbo
Event Subtitle
Claiming Our Inner Light and Truth: Mary Magdalene, Hildegard of Bingen and Catherine of Siena
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Available for Streaming

How do we marry action and contemplation in a way that serves the world and yet nourishes our own hearts? How can we find the inner strength to claim our voice, even when it is at odds with what we have been taught to expect? How can we stand with courage and conviction to speak truth to power and change the world? In this four-day retreat, we focus on the lives and legacies of three of the most important women in history who defied societal expectations to become spiritual leaders and teachers.

We will encounter Mary Magdalene, the First Apostle, revered for her capacity for love and compassion; Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church, whose refusal to be either a married woman or a cloistered nun opened the way for Third Order Dominicans; and Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century Benedictine Abbess, composer, theologian, natural medicine healer and visionary artist. Each one of them lived lives rooted in deep contemplative practice and yet were emboldened to go forth into the world to challenge the prejudices and injustices in their communities.

Join cultural historian, musician and spiritual director Kayleen Asbo for a four-day retreat saturated with art and music that weds contemplative spiritual practices(chant, guided journaling, earth mandala making, lectio divina and visio divina) with the fascinating stories of these revolutionary women who will inspire us to claim our own inner light in service to the world.

End Date:
Fee: $200

Writing Retreat with Kim Stafford

Kim Stafford
Santa Sabina Psalms
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November 14-17, 2024

What shall be the enclosed garden inside your life? What can be the fountain there, tireless in bounty? What can nourish the peace, the solitude to carry you safely through a difficult world? Might we find ways, by writing, to cultivate the welcoming silence that has been Santa Sabina as we depart her sanctuary? In this retreat, we will write a field guide to our own sacred spaces, as memories are kindled here—how the garden, the library, the fountain, the hermit's hut, and other elements here bring forth stories from our lives. We will compose a home ground for the soul secrets we carry forth.  Join Kim Stafford, a long-time friend of Santa Sabina, for one last time in this sacred space.

Kim Stafford is an Emeritus Professor at Lewis and Clark College in Oregon. He writes, teaches, and travels to raise the human spirit through poetry. Founder of Northwest Writing Institute in 1986, he has published a dozen books of poetry and prose, including The Muses Among Us: Eloquent Listening and Other Pleasures of the Writer’s Craft and 100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do: How My Brother Disappeared. His most recent book is the poetry collection As the Sky Begins to Change (Red Hen Press, 2024). He has taught writing in dozens of schools and community centers, and in Scotland, Italy, Mexico, and Bhutan. In 2018, he was named Oregon’s 9th Poet Laureate for a two-year term.

Fee: $700 (food, lodging, presentation and material. Deposit: $250

Retreat with Brian Swimme

Brian Swimme
The Future Pressing In – Where Is Hope to Be Found?
Date Header Text
November 22-24, 2024

Where do we find meaning, connection, and a sense of the sacred in a challenging and divisive time? The future is pressing in. How do we move past disillusionment and discouragement and maintain our zest for living as we move into the future?

More than ever, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s understanding that humanity and, in fact, the entire universe is “going forward” toward a transformative consciousness, the Noosphere, which provides the basis for a renewed faith in human development.

Join cosmologist Brian Thomas Swimme in an exploration of spiritual pathways to a deeper understanding of evolving consciousness as a foundation for hope. The weekend’s presentations will reflect Brian’s personal journey, i.e. the shaping of his life and view of the Universe and the Noosphere. There is, indeed, a reason for hope in Cosmological Consciousness that can reshape and empower our lives, too.

Brian, Director of the Center for the Story of the Universe and a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, is a long-time friend of Santa Sabina Center. It is a joy to welcome him for our final weekend retreat at the Center.  Brian is the author of The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, and The Universe is a Green Dragon. He is co-author of The Universe Story, which is the result of a ten-year collaboration with cultural historian, Thomas Berry. Swimme is also the creator of three educational video series: Canticle to the CosmosThe Earth’s Imagination, and The Powers of the Universe. He co-wrote and hosted the 60-minute documentary film Journey of the Universe (2013), broadcast on PBS television stations nationwide. His newest book will be released in November and will be available at the retreat.

Fee: $450 (room, lodging and presentations)
Registration deposit
Deposit: $200